Chantelle Spencer

I am passionate about becoming a Counsellor and this course has helped me in my steps towards reaching this goal.

My Tutor/assessor Valarie, was amazing throughout my studies. We had regular catch-ups over the phone or I could contact her by email. She would always make the time to answer any of my questions and go through great lengths to  give modern day examples in order to ensure I understood what was required of me.

In my personal experience I don’t believe this course needs any form of improvement, but would have loved it if Level 3 was available to study.

Our comment: we’re getting our Level 3 course online and hope to have it ready for you soon

Our site is now open for user testing

If you are testing one of our courses and find any issues no matter how small could you please use the feedback form provided on the right edge of your screen to let us know

Online Training Team