Life NCFE Document Staff Holiday

Life NCFE Training Centre recognise that it is essential that the Learning experience and
journey are vital not only to the individual Learner but in ensuring we keep a healthy, active
and high performing centre of excellence.

We recognise that all Staff and volunteers that work within the Life NCFE Centre need
holidays to refresh.

All Staff and volunteers will be expected to arrange annual leave at least a month in advance
of taking their arranged leave. This will give ample time for learners to be informed and any
notifications to be sent to them by the Centre.

We do recognise that in some case emergency leave is necessary and this is handled by our
‘emergency Planning Document’.

No two Assessors or Internal Quality Assurers will have the same holiday dates honoured
except in exceptional circumstances. This may mean the introduction of contingency
planning implementation.

When taking decisions around holiday leave the best outcome for our learners will always be
at the heart of the decision-making process.

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