NCFE Level 2 Counselling Skills Qualification:
Welcome to our accredited NCFE and CACHE Level 2 Counselling Skills Qualification, brought to you by Life.
Thank you for choosing our program and I hope your journey with us will get you on your chosen pathway when you receive your Level 2 certificate in counselling skills.
Liz Lloyd, Life, NCFE centre manager.
Getting Started:
The course assignments will start with Unit 1 then 2 and so on, you will not be able to move onto the next unit before you complete all the activities in the current unit. You can complete the qualification at your own pace within the year you have to do so. See ‘Timeline to complete Qualifications’ in the induction folder.
Your portfolio of work throughout the course will include: –
Questionnaire workbooks, case studies, slide presentations, individual and group activities in the form of skills practice, presented with observation sheets and audios and a reflective diary on “how you are progressing as a listener” for each unit. There is no exam.
You will first complete an induction, this will give you details of the course assessment criteria and includes the guidelines that you are expected to follow. You should also familiarise yourself with our policies, which you can see here and in the website footer.
You are entitled to tutor support either by email or telephone call to assist completion of assignments and activities. Your tutor will be able to answer any questions you may have about the course. It is the Learners responsibility to contact their tutor by email on ncfe@lifecharity.org.uk to arrange a suitable time for tutor contact session.
The process:
- In each Unit, firstly click on the ‘Lesson’ button and go through all the pages of the presentation. This will give you the information on the course unit and add to your Guided Learning time. The presentation will relate directly to activities in the second part of the unit. These activities will help expand your understanding of the unit.
- Each Unit also contains videos to give you a visual illustration for various concepts. It is advisable to take notes while you watch the video to help you complete the assignments, there are no restrictions of how many times you watch a video. Read all the handouts in the Materials tab that accompanies each unit. They add to your Guided Learning hours and add further reading to the Lesson Presentation in preparation for completing assignments. However, you should do further research accompanying this preparation, following the Guided Learning hours.
- There are numbers throughout the course materials, (1.1. 1.2. 1.3.) These numbers are for you to follow the marking criteria when completing assignments. When completing the assignments, you should include as much information as you can to meet the criteria. Read the ‘assessment guidance’ for more information about the marking criteria.
i) Complete any questions in the Lesson Presentation slides to add to your portfolio, the workbook can be found in the assignments section.
ii) Answer all the assignment questions in the workbook; it is suggested that you add your own further research on the topics to compliment the handouts provided. This will help to make your assignments more robust. See ‘Plagiarism’ form in the induction folder.
- Lastly, complete the candidate submission statement, sign, and date all assignments completed. Assignments that are not signed and dated will be returned as incomplete.
If you are unsure of any of the procedures above, you can speak to one of the Training Team in the chat or email ncfe@lifecharity.org.uk for further clarification.